Swansgate Shopping Centre sponsors local couple Selina & Darren, who are taking part in the Rust Bucket Rally raising funds for Breast Cancer Now.
The Rust Bucket Rally, is where participants drive a car that costs less than £1000 across Europe over 4 days covering around 2500miles over the weekend, over the years the rally has been going they have managed to raise around £250,000 for local charities.
This year the couple are raising money for the charity “Breast Cancer Now”. The sponsorship received by Swansgate Shopping Centre will help with fuel costs to get the couple across Europe ensuring what ever funds raised goes to the charity.
The couple are also holding funday at the” little rail house” Wellingborough on 27th may.
If you would like to support their cause please follow this link to their fundraising page – Just Giving Page Link – Rust Bucket Rally
Swansgate Shopping Centre will be cheering them on and following their progress on social media. If you would like to see how they get on visit their facebook page where the couple will be posting live updates and videos, keeping followers up to date with their travels!